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This allows you to define whether to use backdrop pictures on the Screen
and in listers and requesters.
Enable Backgrounds lets you turn on or off all background pictures in
You can either display background pictures using a settings file created
with the WBPattern Prefs program or directly by giving the filenames of
the images you wish to use.
Under OS2.0 and 2.1, you can only use WBPattern prefs, and only
to generate patterns, not pictures. The picture display system relies
on the Amiga Datatypes system, which is not available under OS2.0.
If the Use WBPattern Prefs flag is cleared you should specify the images
files you want to use using the set top set of gadgets.
The main Opus window uses this image.
Icon-mode listers and groups use this image.
Opus requesters and configuration windows use this image.
Either enter filepaths in the string gadgets or use the folder button
on their left to bring up a file requester.
You can specify normal AmigaDOS wildcards or a directory, if more than one
file matches the pattern specified, then a file will be chosen at random
each time Opus is run.
At the far right of each field is a gadget for a popup menu, that allows
you to control the display parameters including whether each picture is
tiled, centred or stretched to fit, and the remapping used for each
picture. The border colour for a picture smaller than the screen size, can
also be selected. See your Opus manual for more detailed information.
If Use WBPattern Prefs is selected you should specify in the string
gadget below the name of a preferences file created with the WBPattern
program which came with Workbench.
To the right of the name field there is a gadget with an exclamation mark
(!) which will call the standard WBPattern preferences editor for you.
Use the editor to create the display you require, SaveAs the settings
under the name (e.g. "envarc:DOPatern.prefs"), then use this for Opus.
NOTE: The backdrop pattern will use the current Workbench pattern unless you
have entered a specific WBPrefs filename.
Default Theme Path:
This string gadget allows you to enter the path that Opus will use for
storing themes, you can direct it to use a partition or drive with sufficient
free space for all the background and sound files used by themes. The folder
button to the left will bring up a directory requester which you can use to
choose a directory.
Any path entered here will have the assign D5Themes: given to it, it defaults
to DOpus5:Themes/.